Singapore Budget Airport, actually the enviroment is more quiet, peaceful, spacious, no rush, and no "full armored" security, if compared to terminal 1 or 2...
MUST HAVE activity...TO IKEA...but this time on a double decker...
As usual...CROCS's friendsssss. The shark scared Than's classmates...hehehe!
Just arrived at a friend's place, who was generous to let us stay at his house...Thanks!
Shrek 哥哥只不过是面恶心善。 让他知道你们父子俩不喜欢他,他会很难过的。还好母女俩不以貌取人。也不介意和青皮肤的做朋友, 为世界和平做了些贡献,值得嘉许。
Ha! How can you find this blog? I just realised that you left a comment.
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