Only started to write blog actively after returning from Singapore Trip...and just recall the 'expensive stroller', which has been carefully chose for Nat. It was a very frastrating and upsetting experience. It cost us >A$700. First discovered the seat was torn at Melbourne Airport. BT wrote to complain when we wereback in Kuching and it seen like nobody care. After shooting emails from North (US) to South (Aus) of the earth, we got the replacement after a month. That's not the end. I found that the replacement seat was torn again (YES! AGAIN) after just 2 days. The emails shooting started again and they don't even bother to reply. BT made phone call to Aus too to highlight their defects. I was so frastrated and while I was gathering information to question their so called American Soc for Testing and Materials standard T U V standard E N - 1 8 8 8 certification, we received a email from AUS saying that the whole batch of the RED seat have defect (the seat is made in China). We requested for BLACK after all the troubles with the RED.
I still keep all the correspondance and the torn seats. Maybe one day I will forward it to A S T M and T U V to tell them how effective are they to ensure the quality of the product carrying their LOGO. To me (after the stroller case), A S T M, T U different from S I R I M.
I still keep all the correspondance and the torn seats. Maybe one day I will forward it to A S T M and T U V to tell them how effective are they to ensure the quality of the product carrying their LOGO. To me (after the stroller case), A S T M, T U different from S I R I M.